- We have been limiting grocery spending to produce and dairy, with the occasional necessity: this week we ran out of canola oil and mayo, so I replenished the supply. {Fortunately, both were on sale. Score!}
- We have purchased the bulk of our produce from our local farmers' markets.
- We have cleaned out a lot of the freezer meals including some white beans and spaghetti sauce and used up some shrimp that I found shoved way in the back.
- And we have tried out some delicious new recipes including Grilled Gyros and Baked Eggplant Parm.
- Reorganize my freezer
- Create a new freezer inventory
- Find a use for and use the 3 (32-oz.) containers of homemade chicken broth in the freezer
We are, however, spending as much, maybe even more, each week on groceries because we are buying more organic and local produce, which is more expensive than conventional, and there just aren't coupons for it. Yet, I feel good about what our family is eating, so I don't mind that we aren't saving the money that I had hoped.
If you are participating, how are you doing on the Summertime Pantry Challenge?
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