We're in the final stretch of "31 Days of Play." Technically, the challenge ends today, July 31st, but we missed a day of "play" on Sunday, so I'm making up for it with one final activity tomorrow, August 1st.
On Monday I made some homemade finger paints using a recipe that I've used before. They are very easy to make, and you probably have all of the ingredients on hand.
Recipe: Homemade Finger Paints
1/2 cup cornstarch
3 T sugar
1/2 t salt
2 cups water
Food coloring
Combine all four ingredients in a small pot. Stir on medium low until mixture warms and thickens. It should be pretty thick. Remove from heat and cool. Pour into containers and mix in food coloring.
I taped down some Kraft paper to our kitchen table, distributed bowls of finger paints, and let the girls dig in and paint. Of course, I painted, too. Actually, I think I enjoyed finger painting more than they did! There's something incredibly relaxing in smearing globular paints with your fingers.
Cora thought the paints were a little too icky for her liking.
Kate painted with them the longest; however, that was only 15 minutes. I think both girls really struggled with what to do with the paints because you can't actually draw anything with them. You more or less spread them around with your fingers and make a big mess, which I thought was totally fun; them, not so much.
All in all, I think finger painting would be a good quiet time activity for my girls because, at 8:00 in the morning, they were both more interested in running around outside than painting. But I will definitely do this art project again.
Today, we had another outdoor scavenger hunt. This time, instead of taking photos of natural objects in our yard for the kids to search for, I made a list of items for them to find.
Scavenger Hunt List
- A yellow leaf
- An ant
- A purple flower
- Something rough
- A stick to use as a magic wand
- A bird
- A dry patch of grass
- Something smooth
- A pine cone
- A really big rock
- Something unique that catches your eye
One yellow leaf
A purple flower
Something rough
A stick to use as a magic wand
Something unique that catches your eye--clumps of mowed grass :)
Blessings to you,
For comments or questions,
contact me at: growinginhisglory@gmail.com
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