Kate is going to be a big sister! We can hardly believe it either, or, let me rephrase that, I can't believe it! Of course I am thrilled because children are a blessing from the Lord. Just a little overwhelmed at the thoughts of two little squirts running around. But, alas, little Kate does need a playmate. Daddy, her best buddy, just isn't around during the day and Mama is, well, Mama. So, sometime around the first two weeks of October we will be having a new little one.
I am going to try to use this blog to keep a record of my pregnancy because I really didn't do a good job keeping a journal with Kate. So, I am about 13 weeks along and therefore almost out of the first trimester. After meeting with my midwife Lauren Drees a few weeks ago, we had an ultrasound to get a rough idea about when this baby will be arriving. We took Kate, who didn't fully appreciate the images of the baby, but who really didn't like Mama lying there and not holding her. But in seeing this precious little one on the ultrasound screen, reality sank in. It's exciting to think about who this child will look like, what his/her personality will be like, and how s/he will be as a baby, a child, a teen, and then an adult. Kate is so outgoing and independent, so chatty and funny, always on the move and always smiling. She's got a mind of her own, which is a challenge, but is so smart. I know she'll have a tough time adjusting but will be a great big sister.
(Kate with all her hair barrettes. She wants them all over her head.)
Already I see differences between the two. Since the beginning of February, I have been sick as a dog. Totally different from Kate. With Kate I think I threw up a handful of times and was only nauseous in the morning hours. With this little angel, I am sick all day long and even wake up in the middle of the night to vomit (i.e., last night at 1:00). It is particularly difficult since Kate is so active but she is so good and usually "reads" her books or runs around while I lie on the couch. Every time she sees me throwing up I try to reassure her that Mommy is okay but she isn't the least bit concerned: she just stands by and laughs! Fortunately, those horrible first trimester side effects are dwindling although I still enjoy an afternoon nap with Kate because I am exhausted.
I go back to see the midwife April 19 and will keep you posted on our progress. We are very blessed and thank God for His gift of children.
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