1. Learn how to use my DSLR camera.
For Christmas, Daniel bought me a Canon T3i camera. I know absolutely nothing about cameras, so the Canon EOS Rebel T3i/600D for Dummies book was the perfect gift from my mother-in-law. I am hoping to save money by shooting my own pictures of our children instead of doling out the big bucks for professional photographers. I also want to take more of my own pictures for my blog.
2. Read 50 books this year.

This year my aim is to read 50 books. As I mentioned recently here, I plan to take part in Quirky Bookworm's Classics Catch-Up, so 13 of the books will be those she's selected.
3. Try one new recipe or craft every month from Pinterest.
I don't know if you've been sucked into the black hole that is Pinterest, but I have tons of pins just sitting there, waiting to be tried out. So, each month I will pick one recipe or craft idea to make and report my findings on here. Kate suggests we start with these sugar cookie bars {yum!}. I would love for you to follow me if you aren't already.
4. Run a 5K.
This is not only a personal goal, but a family one as well: my husband and I are training to run together in our first 5K in the spring. I have been running since last summer when I was determined to get in shape and lose some baby weight. Now I am eager to do something with all that running, and a race just sounds fun. With my husband joining me, I can't think of a better way to exercise, lose weight, and de-stress. We're gearing up for our first 5K in March, so I'll keep you posted.
5. Keep a family notebook.
Not to be confused with a household notebook, a family notebook, as I see it, is a place to keep record of the activities, goings-on, and everyday life of our clan. I hate feeling like a year goes by, and I don't remember what we've done, where we've been, or how we've grown. And while I love writing, journaling enervates me--probably because I'm too detail-oriented.I'm not really sure what my family notebook will look like, but I will post my progress as I begin to piece it together. Right now, I've procured an unused extra-large clear three ring binder with a few dividers, a spiral bound notebook, and loose-leaf paper as needed. I think having a space to add brochures from places we visit, pictures, programs, tickets, etc. will be nice. And each year I will create a new notebook to store all our memories. Plus, someone can get all creative and make a fun cover for the notebook :)
6. Organize all my recipes.
Oh, this is a HUGE project that I've been putting off and putting off forever because I honestly don't know how to tackle it. Over the years, I have accumulated recipes from magazines, the internet, family and friends, and newspaper that I threw together in a big photo album. Originally, all the recipes were divided into categories, and all my recipes were neatly organized in their place. But years and hundreds of recipes later, I've got a big fat mess.
My goal is to find a way to access all my recipes with ease as well as add more recipes as I find them. Going digital might be ideal, but I would much prefer something I can touch. It's like my problem with Kindles: I crave the feel of paper pages turning in my hands.
Whew! There are a lot more areas in which I really need to work, but I'm starting here with these six goals for 2013. Each month I will give an update of how I'm doing.
What about you? Do you have any personal goals for the new year you'd like to share?
Praying God's richest blessings on you in 2013,
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Linking up with: The Better Mom, Raising Arrows, Time-Warp Wife, Artful Tuesday, Teach Me Tuesdays, Top 10 Tuesday, Titus 2 Tuesdays, Leaving a Legacy, Women Living Well Wednesdays, Raising Homemakers, Raising Mighty Arrows