Mothers, have you ever wished you were given a manual for Motherhood? You know, one that fit the needs of each individual type of Mother and child? We all have probably wished there was such a thing at some point in our lives. And while I can't offer you that particular manual, I would like to introduce you to a brand new eBook titled "The Pursuit of Motherhood."

While the market is scouring with parenting books & how-to manuals, I hope you'll consider "The Pursuit of Motherhood" as your next source of encouragement in your role as a Mother. We all need HOPE! We all need to know there's someone out there facing the same struggles we're facing.
"The Pursuit of Motherhood" was written by 15 Mommy bloggers in the Christian community that most of you have already come to know, love, and respect. You're already familiar with the writings of these bloggers and you know that they're real women, not superheroes, that chug along each day with the demands of caring for husbands, children, homeschool, housework, and managing businesses. Each contributing writer has written on a chapter that she is familiar with in an effort to provide you with hope and encouragement in your day to day walk.
Motherhood is the beautiful unfolding of a woman's life as the Lord refines her and places her in a position of a humble servant, her life a daily sacrifice. A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
Table of Contents:
- The Wise Mother
- The Praying Mother
- Mothering Through The Little Years
- The Working Mom
- The Healthy Mom
- The Work at Home Mom
- Part I: Primary and Secondary Infertility
- Part II: The Empty Womb and Adoption
- The Modest Mom
- Breastfeeding & Child Attachment
- The Weary Mom, Part I
- The Weary Mom, Part II
- The Homeschooling Mother
- Mothering a Child with Special Needs
- Raising Real Men
- Raising Homemakers
- Be Fruitful and Multiply
- Biblical Motherhood
- Leaving a Legacy
Today through Monday, December 2nd, you can purchase the eBook at just $3.99; after that we'll resume regular pricing of $7.99. The eBook will be emailed to you in a downloadable PDF file. The book is packed full of wisdom and experience in 153 pages.
Since we all love giveaways, I thought it would be fun to offer a copy of the eBook along with $100 Paypal cash to one winner. {And who couldn't use an extra $100 right now?} ;) If you're selected as the winner and you've already purchased your copy, your money will be refunded. So, go ahead and grab your copy below and then come back to enter the giveaway. The giveaway ends at midnight on Monday, December 2nd.