Still, despite being tired, the girls are thriving and that is a relief! If they weren't, then I would be concerned. Kate has started a new thing where she wants to read like 15 books in Mommy and Daddy's bed in the mornings and then at night before bedtime with Daddy. That child has memorized the words to all her favorite books: Raindrop Plop, Dimmity Duck, Goodnight Moon, and all the nursery rhymes. Here she is with her stack o' books. A bookworm like her mommy!
And I have to brag on Kate: She knows all of her letters! Not just the "ABC Song" but she can recognize and say them, which is pretty impressive for a two-year-old. I'm so proud of my little nerd!
Cora has recently figured out how to roll over from her back to her tummy and loves to roll around in her crib when she should be sleeping! At four-months-old, Cora laughs and smiles all the time and has learned how to blow raspberries, which thoroughly amuses her.
Here are a few pictures of our girls now...
I suppose running after two little ones and fixing three meals a day in addition to all the chores we do and "school time" would make one feel pretty tired by the end of the day. But the girls are both growing and learning so much that I know the long hard days aren't a waste. And one day soon enough I will get plenty of sleep again. Until then I'll just fix myself another cup of coffee and read Kate some books.
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