Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Attitude: It's Everything!

Some days it seems that life is running smoothly: the kids are playing well together, everyone is rested, the chores seem to get done effortlessly, and our cares seem far away. There is a flow to our routine and everything is jiving very nicely. It's in those moments, when I catch myself smiling, that the negative thoughts enter my mind:

"This surely can't last much longer. What bad thing is going to happen next and when?"

Instead of enjoying and reveling in those precious moments, though, I ruin them by forecasting the impending doom that will inevitably arrive very soon because we all know that " nothing good lasts," right? 


It's all about attitude. How I respond to the ups and downs of day-to-day life affects everything.

The way I handle myself when the three-year-old refuses to nap or the baby wakes up before sunrise affects the way the children treat each other.

The way I approach my household duties--with a smile on my face and a song on my lips or a scowl and lots of grumbling--affects how much work actually gets done and ultimately how I feel about it.

The way I talk to my husband and girls--whether in a sweet and encouraging voice or an irritated and gloomy tone--affects how my family responds to me and even to each other.

My attitude has considerable power over how our days go. Maybe it isn't just that life is running smoothly because the wheel of Fortune has chosen to favor me. Instead, maybe my attitude has something to do with my family's happiness and camaraderie.

Maybe if I smiled instead of grumbled when the work piles up and I feel buried alive, then I would accomplish everything of true importance and feel good about my efforts.

Maybe if I spoke in a loving, gentle tone to my potty-trained child who has her third "accident" of the week, then the accidents would stop occurring.

Maybe if I stopped complaining about my children and sat down and played with them, then they might start showing more love to each other.

Maybe if I changed my outlook on life, then each day would look more like a treasure, a gift, a reward, instead of a burden, a challenge, and a trial.

Do you ever need an attitude adjustment? If so, what do you do about it?

Blessings to you as you continue to grow in God's Glory!


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  1. Oh yes! There are plenty of times I need an attitude adjustment. And what I do is usually take a deep breathe and pray.

  2. So good Keri! I find I am desperate for the Lord everyday in helping with my attitude. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Thanks, Laura. I completely agree. Without the Lord's help, I wouldn't be able to stay afloat.
