Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When We Need to Get Back to Work

My to-do list is 10 miles long. Days are overflowing as I move from one chore or activity to the next. And already I feel the pressure of the holiday season creeping in.

I wake up early to squeeze in a few minutes of Bible reading and prayer, but I'm so consumed with getting to work on the day's chores that I find myself glossing over passages that would ordinarily bring a man to his knees.

I'm far too busy "spinning plates" to let the words I'm reading really sink in. 

I'm far too full from physical food to truly hunger for righteousness. 

Chewing on the meat of God's Word requires time, that precious commodity that so few of us have excess quantities of, and a hunger that only comes from spending meaningful time with the Lord. {It's a Catch-22, isn't it?}

But as I read Haggai 2 this morning, I was convicted {again} that God wants to me to get to work.  

For Him. 

My work is consumed with me

Having returned from Jerusalem to rebuild the temple destroyed by the Babylonians, the people of Judah succumbed to outside pressures and neglected the Lord's work. They stopped building God's house and started building their own homes. God sent Haggai to encourage them to complete the work He'd called them to do.

Today, we, the body of Christ, have replaced the temple of Old Testament times. We don't have to go to a temple or church to be in the presence of God. He resides in us. 

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?"

1 Corinthians 3:16

Today, because of Jesus' sacrifice, God reveals His glory through us, His people. Because we are His temple now, we need to get back to work doing what He has called each of us to do.

And as true followers of Christ, we need to be using the talents and abilities within each of us, which God has endowed us with, and get to work for His glory.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying we let the laundry pile up to dangerous heights or neglect the needs of our husbands and children. No! As wives and mothers, God has called us to this work. Instead, we need to be doing that work -- whatever it is -- as if we are serving the Lord Himself. 

With a cheerful attitude . . . Not grudgingly or bitterly
With joy in our hearts . . . Not out of compulsion
Out of reverence for our Father . . . Not because I have to 
Committing our days & to-do lists to Him . . . Not our own agendas 

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Colossians 3:17

God wants to change the world through us. That does not necessarily mean serving in the mission field overseas either -- although it might. He has a plan for each of one of us, whether it's something He wants you to do at your place of employment, in your church, or in your home. We need to listen to the Holy Spirit, be strong, and work.

When the people of Judah returned to God and resumed the work of rebuilding the temple --- when they got to work for the Lord and stopped working for themselves --- God once again blessed their efforts.

God will also bless our efforts, but we must get to work for Him. 


By being women of prayer, women who make time to meditate on God's Word, women who work as unto the Lord in whatever we have been called to do. 

However, we must get to work. And when we do, no matter how long our to-do lists or how frustrating the work may be or how many challenges we may face, God promises He will be us. 

 But now be strong . . . all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.’
 Haggai 2:4-5
Do you need to get to work for the Lord today? What's keeping you from obeying His Spirit? Overflowing to-do lists? Too many activities? Pride?
I pray that we can be strong and get to work for the Lord today, focusing on the work He has called us to do.
 Blessings to you,

Linking up to these lovely parties.

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  1. Homeschooling our kiddos plus working full times on weekend nights DEFINITELY keeps my days full... I have found that the 1 (well, now that it's snowing, closer to 1-1/2) hour drives to work and then again back home really help me have some time to focus on prayer and gratitude. Sometimes I will put in praise and worship music, sometimes a CD based prayer or Bible study. It helps me prepare to switch gears both ways... (although I really don't like driving in snow, anyway. LOL)

    1. Bless you heart, Elisabeth. I would not like driving that far in the snow either! But that's great that you're using your time in such a spiritually uplifting and beneficial way! Best of luck...and be careful!!

  2. Great post!!!! I have really enjoyed reading Haggai these past few weeks.

    1. Me too, Salena! That one little book with only two chapters is so rich! It's amazing how many times I've identified with the Israelites lately, too.

      Bless you, sweet friend. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  3. Love, Love, Love this post Keri! God is showing HIS glory through YOU! Blessings!! <3

    1. Thanks, Shari Lynne. I really needed that encouragement today!

  4. Great post! Thanks for linking to Thriving THursday :) I added this to the pinterest board :)
