Here are my top 10 tips for dealing with pregnancy-related fatigue:
1. Get some rest. Obviously, if you're tired you need to take a break. That is easier said than done, though, if you work or have children to take care of. However, if you have a designated nap/rest time, take advantage of it! Drop the housework and get horizontal. I always rest when my girls nap: sometimes I sleep, other times I fix some hot tea, put my legs up, and read. Or, if a friend offers to take your kids for the afternoon, graciously accept and use that time to rest.
2. Make sure you're eating. Sometimes in an effort to get my girls fed, I neglect to feed myself. Then, when I turn into Miss Crabby-Pants, I realize I haven't eaten in hours. Don't just grab a candy bar or something loaded with sugar or caffeine. Sure you'll get a quick pick-me-up but only temporarily, and then you will be in worse shape than before. Carefully consider if what you're eating will boost or ultimately diminish your energy level.
3. Drink to thirst. Often the number one reason for fatigue is dehydration or lack of water. Dehydration can lead to over 20% reduction of energy output as well as cause headaches, so make sure you're drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day. I fill up a water bottle to drink from while I'm away from home. If water bores you like it does me, then add some citrus slices. I love lime or orange in my water while some women I know enjoy cucumber in their water. Whatever motivates you to drink more water, do it!
5. Get up late and/or go to bed early. If you have the luxury, sleep in! However, if you have children who wake up before the sun rises, then make every effort to head to bed an hour or two earlier than usual to get more sleep. Some nights I am so exhausted that I go to bed just after our oldest falls asleep around 8:30. Those nights I get 9-10 hours of rest and feel much better in the mornings. Resist the urge to stay up late even if you're just lying on the couch watching TV, and instead go to sleep.
6. Eat iron-rich foods. Foods like spinach, dark leafy greens, dried fruit, cooked dried beans, soy products, and lean red meats are high in iron, which play a major role in red blood cell formation. Iron-rich foods will also help pump up your energy level. If you find yourself craving red meat, then trust your body and indulge in moderation. I have been trying to eat a serving or two each of spinach and beans daily to help reduce fatigue and can really tell a difference.
7. Plan your days around your energy level. For me, my energy level is at its highest in the mornings, so I take advantage of it by doing housework, running errands, playing outside, and doing "school" then. After lunch, my energy level plummets, and mere thoughts of going outside or cleaning wipe me out. However, there are the boisterous kids to consider. That is when I drag out the art boxes, have read-aloud time, or put in a video so Mama can rest.
8. Stop stressing! When you're feeling fatigued, the last thing you want to do is expend energy cooking or cleaning. Although those household duties must be done, don't worry if your house doesn't pass "the white glove test." If someone offers to help, let them! A clean house and home-cooked meals will resume in due time.
10. See your doctor or midwife. If you find that you have extreme fatigue even after improving your diet and getting plenty of rest, then consult your doctor or midwife. She or he may run tests to check for anemia.
Praying God's richest blessings on you as you continue to grow in His glory!
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Water I think was the most important thing to remember when being pregnant...especially for me being due in August. I still have to remember to drink enough of it because of nursing :)