With over 7,000 women gathered together, I felt a little isolated attending most sessions by myself {my poor mom was stuck in the hotel keeping the baby}, but next year I hope to take a group to Celebrate! 2012 in Duluth, Georgia. I wanted to share my top 10 favorite aspects of this year's Women of Faith conference in hopes that you might be inspired to find an event near you.
(1) Steve Arterburn's "5 Walls We Put up That Cut us off From God" and "3 Ways to Get Through These Walls"--Arterburn is a gifted speaker whose understanding of human psychology and knowledge of the Bible, coupled with his dry humor, makes for an informative yet entertaining listening experience. I took lots of notes!
(2) The Q&A session with Sheila Walsh and Steve Arterburn: Anonymous questions from audience members were answered thoughtfully and thoroughly by these knowledgeable Christian speakers.
I love what Sheila Walsh said: "Women especially need the power of other accepting women to help us heal." There is nothing like a community of women to share your struggles with and be encouraged by.
(4) Sheila Walsh {Can you tell I LOVE this woman?} singing "You Raise Me Up."
(5) Nicole Johnson and her dramatic performance of the
(7) Natalie Grant singing "I Will Not Be Moved" as well as a collaborative singing with the audience of "It is Well with My Soul." Beautiful! What talent and passion for Christ!
(8) Natalie Grant's story of her four-year-old twin daughters.
One of Natalie's daughters said that she had a hard time believing in Jesus because she couldn't see Him, to which the other responded that Jesus did exist because He had come to her room and after comforting her, had twirled her. I was moved to tears by this story as I thought about my own daughter and how much she loves to twirl.
Can you imagine your child twirling with Jesus?
(9) Laura Story--One of the main reasons I wanted to attend Women of Faith was Laura Story. Her CD "Blessings" is always playing in my car, and I really wanted to hear her perform live. Not only was I blessed by her music, but also by her speaking about her husband's brain tumor and "finding blessings in the midst of valleys."
(10) I enjoyed all the inspiring talks and was moved by the worship songs, but one important decision I made as a result of attending this year's Women of Faith conference was for our family to sponsor a child through World Vision. Women of Faith partners with World Vision and their presentations on impoverished children in need of the most basic necessities of life pulled hard at my heartstrings. As soon as I got home, I talked to my husband about World Vision and how you can sponsor a child for as little as $35 a month, and he agreed that we should do it. Yea!!!
If you attend a Women of Faith conference, you will be uplifted, encouraged, and convicted.
You will leave with a smile on your face and a little spring in your step.
You will be changed.
I hope you will consider attending a Women of Faith conference near you!
You will leave with a smile on your face and a little spring in your step.
You will be changed.

This post is linked to Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda!

OH i wanted to go, but had an important commitment - love your post - looking forward to next year!