Last week in our series "Saving at the Grocery Store," we looked at some of the pros and cons of couponing, and I challenged you to determine for yourselves whether clipping coupons is a valuable way for you to save money.
For me, the money I save on non-food items in particular--namely toothpaste, diapers, dish soap, detergent, and other household items--more than compensates for the time spent locating, clipping, and organizing coupons. Honestly, I haven't bought a tube of toothpaste in two years all because of couponing! Plus, there are some great organic coupons out there that I love (see links below).
However, in order to get good deals and save money, you really need to know WHERE to get coupons.
1. The Sunday Newspaper
I have found it saves time and money to subscribe to our local newspaper--Sunday only--simply for the coupons. However, if you want to see what coupons will be in the paper before you buy it each week, subscribe to Sunday Coupon Preview. Every Thursday you will receive an email giving a preview of what coupons will be in the paper that week. It is VERY helpful as you plan grocery shopping trips because some weeks there are no good coupons and you won't need to buy the paper. Plus, some Sundays there are no coupon inserts at all; these are usually on holiday weekends.
2. Websites
Besides the Sunday paper, I regularly print coupons from the following websites:
Red Plum
Coupon Network
Shortcuts (both electronic & printable coupons)
Cellfire Grocery Coupons (e-coupons to be loaded to a frequent shopper card)
Mambo Sprouts (for great organic, natural food coupons!)
3. All You magazine
I also subscribe to All You, a monthly magazine that not only has great articles and recipes, but it is FILLED with high-value coupons. It's usually about $20 a year for a subscription or you can buy the magazine at Wal-Mart. {Right now, though, you can get 12 issues for $12 on All You's website!}

4. Store websites
Also, check out your local grocery stores' websites for coupons. Some stores like Kroger have e-coupons that load onto your frequent buyer card. Here are links to some national and regional stores where you can find coupons to print or load onto your frequent buyer card. (Note: you will have to register for a shopper's card before you can load coupons onto it.)
Unless the coupon is a STORE coupon ("For use only at Wal-Mart"), then you can use a coupon from Wal-Mart's website at any store that accepts manufacturer's coupons.
If the coupon says "Manufacturer's Coupon" on it {note: Almost every coupon in the Sunday paper is a manufacturer's coupon}, then it can be used anywhere manufacturer's coupons are accepted. You are not limited to using that coupon only at Wal-Mart just because you printed it off Wal-Mart's website.
**Always be sure to check out the store's coupon policy, located on their website or at customer service. Each store is different regarding what it will and will not accept.
Here are some great money-saving blogs that I read daily:
- Faithful Provisions (Southeast U.S.)
- Southern Savers (also a regional website but with great national deals as well)
If you want to save money at the grocery store, then you have to stay up to date on the latest deals. That's why I strongly recommend finding a good money-saving blog in your region to follow. Bargain Briana has created an excellent tool for locating your "perfect frugal blog match" called "The Frugal Map." Simply click on the image below to find money-saving blogs in your state. That way you don't have to search all these different coupon databases for the best deals. Let the experts do the work for you!
Where do you find the best coupons?
Blessings to you as you continue to grow in God's glory!
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