Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Addendum to Yesterday's Post

Lest anyone be concerned about the state of our marriage, I wanted to add that my post yesterday was an attempt to address an issue I personally need to work on: putting my husband first, tending to his needs, and being respectful and submissive to him as the head of our household. Since children have entered our lives, my priorities have shifted: Kate and Cora often take precedence over Daniel. And that's wrong, I know. It's something I have to change. Kate and Cora will not suffer if breakfast is postponed while Mommy fixes Daddy's lunch. Besides they need to learn that they are not the center of the universe, and they also need to see how a husband and wife are supposed to interact.

My post yesterday was merely a reminder to myself (and others who might need it) that if you want to have a close, loving relationship with your spouse that extends beyond the child-rearing years, you have to look beyond the present and into the future, and you have to start working NOW. For me, that means watching TV with Daniel instead of diving into my book or catching up on my emails, or taking time to snuggle in the mornings even though both children are awake and wanting attention. It means finding times when we can be together, just the two of us, and spending much-needed moments together. It means foregoing all the chores I need to do and just sitting and talking. And it means praying together, about our present and our future.

These days are precious, everyone of them. Our children will grow up and leave home in just a few short years. Then, it will just be the two of us. I want to know that I have done everything I can to be the wife I need to be.

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