Friday, April 29, 2011

Finer Things Friday: My Life

(46) Wonderful Easter time with my family including a delicious meal that I didn't have to cook! What a blessing!!

(47) A beautiful bunny rabbit blanket for Cora made by a dear sweet friend from my old church on Signal Mountain

(48) Five boxes of fabric and notions for sewing from my mother-in-law and Granny Ann so that I don't have to buy any material for quite a while! Thank you!! Now to learn how to sew. :)

(49) Surviving severe weather with only a few limbs down in the yard while many others lost their homes and even their lives

(50) The Mother's Day Out program at Kingwood Heights Church of Christ where Kate has learned Bible stories, songs, and important life lessons like how to play with others and share and which enables me to spend special one-on-one time with Cora

(51) Watching men dig up our house to fix the foundation and thankful that we have the resources to pay the costly bill

(52) Our beautiful girls finally getting to ride together in their wagon although short-lived because Kate pushed a crying Cora out of her lap. Ugh.

(53) Spring! Everything is green and I feel revived and energized just when I most needed it too. Thank you, God.

(54) Cora's developing personality and how sweet, mellow and independent she is. How wonderful for Mommy!

(55) Kate's strong will. Yes, it is a constant battle of the wills right now but one day she will do amazing things.

(56) This blog and the opportunities it affords for me to write, something I truly love to do.

The Lord continues to bless our family so richly. Thank you, Lord.

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