Friday, May 20, 2011

Finer Things Friday: And For That I am Truly Thankful

So, it's almost 1:00 and already I feel exhausted. I was up I think five times last night with the baby, who is taking thirty minute naps these days, and Kate has been in rare form lately. Check out "Miss Independent" who obviously forgot to take off her pajamas before dressing herself.
But, finally, they are both down and asleep so I can be quiet, think, relax and reflect on this past week--the first week without Mother's Day Out. Despite the seeming chaos, the Lord is doing some beautiful things in our lives, for which I am grateful although very very tired.

(83) Yesterday, Daniel and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. Four years. It seems like an eternity at times, but we have had some amazing memories including two beautiful daughters. And I look forward to what the Lord has in store for us next.

(84) Kate and I have started a new project this week that has taken off really well. It's a combination of play, learning, and service, three key components that I think are integral to the education of our children. Yesterday, after a week of learning the sounds of the letter I as well as words that begin with that letter, we visited a sweet older friend from church named Ida and took her some ice cream. Kate also memorized Genesis 1:1--"In the beginning..." God is teaching me patience with this and expanding my comfort zones in many ways.

(85) Cora dazzles everyone she meets with her sweet smile and love love loves her big sister.

(86) My parents' arrival in Athens but please pray for their safety as they will be traveling to Israel on Monday.

(87) Starting two new Bible studies this week and the encouragement Godly women, especially Christian moms, provide.

(88) God granting me time to organize my pantry and making order out of the chaos.

(89) A kind husband who is merciful when I overspend, as I have this past month.

(90) A day at the playground and watching Kate make a new friend all by herself and realizing she is growing up.

(91) This blog. I don't care if no one reads it; it will be a legacy that I can hand down to my children one day and serves, in a way, as the baby books I never made.

(92) Watching our girls become best friends. It's truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

(93) My relationship with the Lord, which, I believe, is stronger today than ever before. Yet, still a work in progress. Thank You, Lord.

What can you say you are truly thankful for this week?

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