(57) Listening to Kate cheer herself on as she runs with her daddy on the Greenway ("Go, Kate, go!") and watching her little legs work to keep up;
(58) Watching Cora pull herself up to standing in her crib and everywhere (and she's only 7 months old!)
(59) Digging in the garden and feeling the dirt between my fingers--it's cathartic in so many ways;
(60) Finding worms in the garden and watching Kate visibly cringe when I ask her if she wants to hold one---she's really afraid of creepy-crawlies like her Uncle Brian;
(61) Our house now on a firm foundation and able to pay for it without going into debt--thanks largely to my frugal husband who makes sure we save more than we spend;
(62) Time spent with my family celebrating my brother's birthday;
(63) Laughing and reminiscing with my brother and sister-in-law about old flames and school days and thankful that God knew best who to give us as spouses;
(64) The Stones River Market and being able to get fresh produce including spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and strawberries as well as eggs that are locally grown;
(65) Watching our own garden grow, in spite of all the weeds, and knowing SOON we'll have our own lettuce and tomatoes and other goodies;
(66) Kate's teachers, Patricia and Cristy, at King's Kids (Mother's Day Out) for their love for our child;
(67) A day of strawberry picking with the cousins--making memories that our kids will never forget!
(68) Spring time: Everything is green, lush and vibrant and recharges my sluggishness;
(69) New days ahead: With the close of CBS (Community Bible Study) and Mother's Day Out next week for the summer, I am excited about what the next few months will bring and looking forward to time with both my girls as well as getting into a more relaxed summer routine.
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