My friend Laurie from CBS first introduced me to Sally Clarkson's blog--I Take Joy--and since then I have been hooked. In The Ministry of Motherhood, Clarkson "looks at the life of Jesus with his disciples to find patterns for how a mother can influence her children." I know that my influence as a mom is far-reaching. Am I being the RIGHT influence? How can I minister to my children and their individual and unique needs? How can I teach them about Christ in a way that reaches them, that is, as Christ taught His disciples? These are all questions that Clarkson attempts to address in her book.
If you are interested in participating in the summer book club with us, visit the Good Morning Girls' website. You can download the reading plan here. There is also a message board where you can become part of a small group for discussions. Just click on "If you DO NOT have a group--Form groups here" and someone will very quickly invite you to be a part of their group.
I am super excited about starting this new study and hope you will join me.
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